Details of the crowdfunding campaign for The Lion Of London Bridge development can be found by clicking


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Red Bus Movies is a bespoke film and television production company established by screenwriter and author, Dougie Brimson (Green Street, We Still Kill The Old Way) to develop commercially driven drama and comedy projects.

Latest News

Mar 2025- The month started off with another visit to Cyprus to expand on the work done last month. We've also had one of the streaming services ask to see a script for another project we pitched to them and there's the small matter of the new Green Street looming. 

So it's all happening at the moment! Exciting times!

Feb 2025 - The new year has certainly started with a bang with all kinds of developments on projects, some of which I thought had been filed under 'never gonna happen'. Time will tell if they work out but you never know. 

In other news, work continues apace on The Lion Of London Bridge and I've recently been in Cyprus to discuss various matters relating to the movie. On the back of that trip, an opportunity has opened up which may result in a feature being filmed on the Island later this year. Definitely a case of watch this space! 

And we may finally be able to pass on news of the new Green Street soon. 

Oct 2024 - The Lion of London Bridge has been receiving some amazing press coverage from the likes of The Sun and The Mail whilst Roy and Dougie appeared live on GB News. 

We've now launched a crowd funding campaign to help us get the film into production as quickly as possible. You can find details here: 

The Lion Of London Bridge

More news coming soon!

Aug 2024 - I am thrilled to announce that RBM have signed an option deal for The Lion Of London Bridge by Roy Larner, the Millwall fan who fought off the terrorist attack in Borough Market in 2017.

This is a quite incredible story and were looking forward to developing it with Roy.

More news soon. 

May 2024 - There has been lots of speculation surrounding Green Street 2.0 recently but all I can say at this time is that when we're ready to officially announce, we'll announce! 

Apr 2024 -
We have numerous projects in development at the moment including two features slated to film this year. More details on both will be announced very shortly. 

In addition, Dougie Brimson has a new book due to be released in early May! 

Mar 2024 
- There's lots of speculation surrounding a potential sequel to Green Street floating around social media and I'm happy to confirm that it is indeed, in the works. 

Feb 2024 - Our award winning short film, The Gentle Sex starring Dame Joan Collins and Cassidy Little, is now available to screen for free via this link.

A feature length version is currently in development.